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- Date: Fri, 17 Dec 93 04:30:06 PST
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
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- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V93 #1472
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Fri, 17 Dec 93 Volume 93 : Issue 1472
- Today's Topics:
- SWR tweeking: Details, details... (2 msgs)
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
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- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
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- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 93 23:53:58 GMT
- From: ogicse!hp-cv!hp-pcd!hpcvsnz!tomb@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: SWR tweeking: Details, details...
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- George S. Reiswig (gereiswi@nmsu.edu) wrote:
- : A question for all you techno-whizzes out there: When measuring
- : the SWR with (guess what) an SWR meter, is it really crucial to place the
- : meter between the feed line and the antenna, or can you put it between the
- : transmitter and the feed line? Would the latter yield spurious readings?
- An SWR meter will give you an accurate indication of SWR on a line
- of the impedance for which the meter is calibrated (designed), wherever
- you put it in that line, assuming that the meter itself is accurate.
- The SWR on the line will be different at different points along the line
- because of loss in the line, and possibly because of internal reflections
- in the line (e.g., if the line is damaged). It is important to note
- that the meter you use knows nothing about the line its connected to
- except the current and voltage at the point where it's connected--that
- is, if you hook it to a line that's a different impedance than the
- meter is calibrated for, you will get wrong readings.
- If the meter is appropriate for the line you are using and you want
- to match the antenna to the line, you will get the most accurate
- readings by putting the meter at the antenna end. That's because
- you measure all the reflected power, not attenuated by a length of
- line, and you measure only the forward power that actually reaches
- the antenna, not the full xmtr output unattenuated by the line. But
- if it's more convenient, you can start your measurements at the
- transmitter end. If you get that end to 1:1, then the other end will
- be 1:1 also. Double-check if you wish when you are satisfied with that
- by putting the meter at the antenna. But of course if it's up 150
- feet in the air, this isn't very practical...
- If you know the line loss, you can predict the SWR at the opposite
- end knowing the SWR at one end. If your transmitter doesn't complain
- too much, you can measure the line loss by opening (or shorting) one
- end and measuring the SWR at the other end, and use the same formula
- rearranged, since you know the SWR at the open (or shorted) end is
- infinity:1. It doesn't take a whole lot of line loss to make the
- SWR quite a bit "better".
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 93 23:31:50 GMT
- From: ogicse!emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: SWR tweeking: Details, details...
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <2eq8cuINNpgl@dns1.NMSU.Edu> gereiswi@nmsu.edu (George S. Reiswig) writes:
- >
- > A question for all you techno-whizzes out there: When measuring
- >the SWR with (guess what) an SWR meter, is it really crucial to place the
- >meter between the feed line and the antenna, or can you put it between the
- >transmitter and the feed line? Would the latter yield spurious readings?
- > Thanks for the help, and Merry Christmas!
- Well that depends on why you're doing the SWR measurement, and how well
- you know the characteristics of your line. If you know your particular
- line characteristics, you can make the measurement *anywhere* that's
- convienent and use the Smith Chart, or the formulas in the Antenna Book
- to determine what complex impedance appears at any point in the system.
- If you don't know the characteristics of the line, then you can't determine
- the "real" SWR on the line anyway, but by measuring at the antenna, with
- suitable precautions to avoid near field effects, you can determine the
- mismatch magnitude at the antenna, but not it's precise complex nature or
- absolute sign without further measurements. For most uses of the "will my
- transmitter like this?" nature, measuring at the transmitter end will be
- all that's necessary.
- Gary
- --
- Gary Coffman KE4ZV | I kill you, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary
- Destructive Testing Systems | You kill me, | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary
- 534 Shannon Way | We're the Manson Family | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary
- Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | -sorry Barney |
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V93 #1472
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